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Profile Information

Application afterLoad: 0.000 seconds, 0.38 MB
Application afterInitialise: 0.028 seconds, 3.55 MB
Application afterRoute: 0.033 seconds, 4.38 MB
Application afterDispatch: 0.046 seconds, 5.72 MB
Application afterRender: 0.072 seconds, 7.00 MB

Memory Usage


14 queries logged

  1. SELECT *
      FROM jos_session
      WHERE session_id = 'db3ff91b10476bcd2f8fc6a756673cbb'
      FROM jos_session
      WHERE ( time < '1714668876' )
  3. SELECT *
      FROM jos_session
      WHERE session_id = 'db3ff91b10476bcd2f8fc6a756673cbb'
  4. INSERT INTO `jos_session` ( `session_id`,`time`,`username`,`gid`,`guest`,`client_id` )
      VALUES ( 'db3ff91b10476bcd2f8fc6a756673cbb','1714669776','','0','1','0' )
  5. SELECT *
      FROM jos_components
      WHERE parent = 0
  6. SELECT folder AS type, element AS name, params
      FROM jos_plugins
      WHERE published >= 1
      AND access <= 0
      ORDER BY ordering
  7. SELECT m.*, c.`option` AS component
      FROM jos_menu AS m
      LEFT JOIN jos_components AS c
      ON m.componentid = c.id
      WHERE m.published = 1
      ORDER BY m.sublevel, m.parent, m.ordering
  8. SELECT template
      FROM jos_templates_menu
      WHERE client_id = 0
      AND (menuid = 0 OR menuid = 48)
      ORDER BY menuid DESC
      LIMIT 0, 1
  9. SELECT cc.*, COUNT(a.id) AS numlinks, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cc.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(':', cc.id, cc.alias) ELSE cc.id END AS slug
      FROM jos_categories AS cc
      LEFT JOIN jos_weblinks AS a
      ON a.catid = cc.id
      WHERE a.published = 1
      AND section = 'com_weblinks'
      AND cc.published = 1
      AND cc.access <= 0
      GROUP BY cc.id
      ORDER BY cc.ordering
  10. SELECT cc.*, COUNT(a.id) AS numlinks, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cc.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(':', cc.id, cc.alias) ELSE cc.id END AS slug
      FROM jos_categories AS cc
      LEFT JOIN jos_weblinks AS a
      ON a.catid = cc.id
      WHERE a.published = 1
      AND section = 'com_weblinks'
      AND cc.published = 1
      AND cc.access <= 0
      GROUP BY cc.id
      ORDER BY cc.ordering
  11. SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, control, params
      FROM jos_modules AS m
      LEFT JOIN jos_modules_menu AS mm
      ON mm.moduleid = m.id
      WHERE m.published = 1
      AND m.access <= 0
      AND m.client_id = 0
      AND ( mm.menuid = 48 OR mm.menuid = 0 )
      ORDER BY position, ordering
  12. SELECT *, RAND() AS ordering
      FROM jos_banner
      WHERE showBanner = 1
      AND (imptotal = 0 OR impmade < imptotal)
      AND cid = 1
      AND catid = 33
      ORDER BY sticky DESC, ordering
      LIMIT 0, 1
  13. UPDATE jos_banner
      SET impmade = impmade + 1
      WHERE bid = 8
  14. SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(a.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":", a.id, a.alias) ELSE a.id END AS slug, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cc.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":", cc.id, cc.alias) ELSE cc.id END AS catslug
      FROM jos_content AS a
      INNER JOIN jos_categories AS cc
      ON cc.id = a.catid
      INNER JOIN jos_sections AS s
      ON s.id = a.sectionid
      WHERE a.state = 1 
      AND a.access <= 0
      AND cc.access <= 0
      AND s.access <= 0
      AND (a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_up <= '2024-05-02 17:09:36' ) 
      AND (a.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_down >= '2024-05-02 17:09:36' )
      AND cc.id = 3
      AND cc.section = s.id
      AND cc.published = 1
      AND s.published = 1
      ORDER BY a.ordering

Language Files Loaded

Untranslated Strings Diagnostic


Untranslated Strings Designer
